
Wall of Sirhind by Harbhajan Mann
  • Release date:16 Dec 2013

Wall of Sirhind by Harbhajan Mann

Amar Audio brings you the video to the informative and thought provoking single ‘Sirhind Di Diwaar‘ (Wall of Sirhind) by Harbhajan Mann which is out on Dharam Seva Records. Music for the single is composed bySukhpal Sukh, lyrics by Manpreet Tiwana and directed by Bobby Sandhu.

Sirhind Di Diwaar (Wall of Sirhind) emphasizes on people to visit the city of Sirhind located in Punjab, India where the 2 younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji were bricked alive. Not many people are aware that the very bricks of the Wall in Sirhind are still there and Dharam Seva Records would like to raise awareness on this topic.